Some could say that Oliver’s beginning is an injustice in itself. One of the most important aspects of the novel is the frustrating struggle of injustice. Oliver Twist is a victim of the society around him. If Oliver had been born into an identified wealthy family, his early life would have been much different. Throughout the novel, Dickens makes it apparent that people born into the lower classes have no chance of moving into another class. Being born into the lower classes of this society is a death sentence. Oliver could have been spared from the injustice he had under taken if it wasn’t for the unjust decision of his birth nurse. The individual nurse could be part to blame, but the society she was a part & serves is the real criminal. The criminal society is what brought Agnes to the workhouse in the first place. The societal fear of being shamed & defamed due to a baby out of wedlock weighed heavier on her conscience than giving birth to a baby in a proper environment. Oliver is a product of the society he was born into. Other around him have created the unjust circumstance he was born into. Unfortunately, like many others in his situation, he cannot get out of the trapped lifestyle. Even if he shouldn’t have been there in the first place.
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